HackSoc Displays

The University of Nottingham’s Hack Society holds a lot of workshops and other events. During my time at the university, I realised that the time that people were filtering into the venue would be a perfect time for them to prepare for the event and load any relevant documents before the event started. As such, I created an automatically advancing slide show system which we could use to show important information.
The things that were most often put on the slides were:
- What the current event is
- If it was a workshop, then the document that was being taught from, so people could follow along
- If it was a speaker event, then the name of the person and the title of their talk
- Any upcoming events in the next few weeks
- Information regarding membership
By default, the slide show progresses after 15 seconds with a transition of the HackSoc logo, but if the need arised then the system could be paused on a particular slide, or could be forced to progress to the next slide before the 15 seconds elapsed (using the space bar and enter button, respectively).