
mcc_api.event.get_event(*, timeout: int = 5) EventInformationResponse

Get event data for the current event cycle.

  • Calls the /event endpoint.

  • Returns an mcc_api.EventInformationResponse representing the current event cycle’s event.

  • May raise a requests.Timeout exception, with the number of seconds before timing out specified by the timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.

mcc_api.event.get_events(*, timeout: int = 5) EventsResponse

Get all event keys currently made available by the API.

timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.

mcc_api.event.get_hall_of_fame(*, timeout: int = 5) HallOfFameResponse
mcc_api.event.get_hall_of_fame(game: Game, *, timeout: int = 5) HallOfFameGameResponse

Get hall of fame data, optionally restricted to a single game.

When called with no game parameter:
  • Calls the /halloffame endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.HallOfFameResponse representing the entire Hall of Fame.

When called with a game parameter:
  • Calls the /halloffame/{game} endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.HallOfFameGameResponse representing a single game from the Hall of Fame.

  • May raise an mcc_api.exceptions.InvalidGameError exception, which can be avoided by passing an mcc_api.Game enum.

In either case:
  • May raise a requests.Timeout exception, with the number of seconds before timing out specified by the timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.


The /halloffame endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of the API. See

mcc_api.event.get_participant(uuid: str, *, timeout: int = 5) ParticipantResponse

Get an individual participant in the current event cycle by their Minecraft UUID.

  • Accepts both dashed (e.g. 3e7a89ee-c4e2-4392-a317-444b861b0794) and un-dashed (e.g. 3e7a89eec4e24392a317444b861b0794) UUIDs

  • Calls the /participant endpoint.

  • Returns an mcc_api.ParticipantResponse representing the individual participant in the current event cycle’s event.

  • May raise a requests.Timeout exception, with the number of seconds before timing out specified by the timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.

mcc_api.event.get_participants(*, timeout: int = 5) ParticipantsResponse
mcc_api.event.get_participants(team: Team, *, timeout: int = 5) ParticipantsTeamResponse

Get the participants in the current event cycle.

When called with no team parameter:
  • Calls the /participants endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.ParticipantsResponse representing all teams and their participants in the current event cycle.

When called with a team parameter:
  • Calls the /participants/{team} endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.ParticipantsTeamResponse representing the given team and its participants in the current event cycle.

  • May raise an mcc_api.exceptions.InvalidTeamError exception, which can be avoided by passing an mcc_api.Team enum.

In either case:
  • May raise a requests.Timeout exception, with the number of seconds before timing out specified by the timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.

mcc_api.event.get_rundown(event: str | None = None, *, timeout: int = 5) RundownResponse

Get an event’s rundown data.

When called with no event parameter:
  • Calls the /rundown endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.RundownResponse representing the latest event.

When called with an event parameter:
  • Calls the /rundown/{event} endpoint.

  • Returns a mcc_api.RundownResponse representing the given event.

  • May raise an mcc_api.exceptions.InvalidEventError exception.

In either case:
  • May raise a requests.Timeout exception, with the number of seconds before timing out specified by the timeout parameter and defaulting to 5.


class mcc_api.event.responses.BaseResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: object

The base response from which all other mcc_api responses inherit.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.Creator(username: str, uuid: str, stream: str, icon: str, team: Team, platform: str)

Bases: object

Detailed data for a given participant.

icon: str

The URL of the icon of the participant.

platform: str

The platform of the participant’s stream.

stream: str

The streaming URL of the participant.

team: Team

The team of the participant.

username: str

The Minecraft username of the participant.

uuid: str

The Minecraft UUID of the participant.

class mcc_api.event.responses.EventInformationData(date: datetime, event: str, updateVideo: str | None)

Bases: object

The current event cycle’s event data.

date: datetime

The date and time at which the event starts.

Stored as an offset-aware datetime object.

event: str

The name of the event.

updateVideo: str | None

The YouTube embed URL of the event’s update video.

class mcc_api.event.responses.EventInformationResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing the current event cycle’s event.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: EventInformationData

Current event cycle’s event data.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.EventRundown(dodgeboltData: dict[Team, int], eventPlacements: dict[Team, int], eventScores: dict[Team, int], individualScores: dict[str, int], history: dict[str, RundownHistoryGame], creators: dict[Team, list[str]])

Bases: object

Object representing score, game, and participant data for a single event.

creators: dict[Team, list[str]]

Dictionary mapping teams to lists of their players’ usernames.

dodgeboltData: dict[Team, int]

Dictionary mapping teams in Dodgebolt to the number of rounds of Dodgebolt that they won.

eventPlacements: dict[Team, int]

Dictionary mapping teams to their final placements in the event (zero-indexed).

eventScores: dict[Team, int]

Dictionary mapping teams to their final coins totals.

history: dict[str, RundownHistoryGame]

Dictionary mapping game index to a RundownHistoryGame object (zero-indexed).

Dictionary keys are the number of the game being played as a string. For example:

data = {
    history: {
        # The first game in the event to be played:
        "0": mcc_api.responses.RundownHistoryGame(...),

        # The second game in the event to be played:
        "1": mcc_api.responses.RundownHistoryGame(...),
individualScores: dict[str, int]

Dictionary mapping player usernames to their final coins totals.

class mcc_api.event.responses.EventsResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object containing all available event keys.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: list[str]

List of all event keys currently made available by the API.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.HallOfFameGameResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing a single game from the Hall of Fame.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: dict[str, HallOfFameRecord]

Dictionary of strings to Hall of Fame records.

Keys in the dictionary are strings that contain the names of the records themselves. For example:

data = {
    "RECORD NAME 1": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
        value="String value",
    "RECORD NAME 2": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.HallOfFameRecord(player: str, value: str | int, placement: int, changedHands: bool)

Bases: object

A single record from the Hall of Fame.


The name of the record is not kept within the record, and can instead be found in the HallOfFameResponse or HallOfFameGameResponse objects.

changedHands: bool

Whether the record changed hands in the latest event.

placement: int

The placement value used internally by

player: str

The username of the player that holds the record.

value: str | int

The value of the record.

class mcc_api.event.responses.HallOfFameResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing the entire Hall of Fame.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: dict[Game, dict[str, HallOfFameRecord]]

Dictionary of games mapped to dictionaries of strings to Hall of Fame records.

Keys in the inner dictionaries are strings that contain the names of the records themselves. For example:

data = {
    mcc_api.Game.GLOBAL_STATISTICS: {
        "RECORD NAME 1": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
            value="String value",
        "RECORD NAME 2": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
    mcc_api.Game.LEGACY_STATISTICS: {
        "RECORD NAME 1": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
            value="String value",
        "RECORD NAME 2": mcc_api.responses.HallOfFameRecord(
property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.ParticipantResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing an individual participant in the current event cycle.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.ParticipantsResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing all teams and their participants in the current event cycle.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: dict[Team, list[Creator]]

Dictionary mapping from teams to lists of detailed participant data.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.ParticipantsTeamResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing a single team and its participants in the current event cycle.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: list[Creator]

List of detailed participant data.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

class mcc_api.event.responses.RundownHistoryGame(index: int, game: Game, multiplier: float, individualScores: dict[str, int] | None, gameScores: dict[Team, int] | None, eventScores: dict[Team, int] | None, gamePlacements: dict[Team, int] | None, eventPlacements: dict[Team, int] | None)

Bases: object

Object representing score and placement data for a single game from a single event.

eventPlacements: dict[Team, int] | None

Dictionary mapping teams to their placement in the event after this game (zero-indexed).

eventScores: dict[Team, int] | None

Dictionary mapping teams to their total coins after this game.

game: Game

The game that was played.

gamePlacements: dict[Team, int] | None

Dictionary mapping teams to their placement in this game (zero-indexed).

gameScores: dict[Team, int] | None

Dictionary mapping teams to their coins earned during this game (multiplied).

index: int

The number of the game in the event when this was played (zero-indexed).

individualScores: dict[str, int] | None

Dictionary mapping player usernames to their total coins after this game.

multiplier: float

The multiplier applied to coins earned during this game.

class mcc_api.event.responses.RundownResponse(request: Response | dict[str, Any])

Bases: BaseResponse

Response object representing score, game, and participant data for a single event.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

data: EventRundown

Object representing the event’s data.

property json: str

JSON string of the data returned by the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.


class mcc_api.event.enums.Game(*values)

Bases: UpperStrEnum

Game identifiers accepted and returned by the MCC API.

class mcc_api.event.enums.Team(*values)

Bases: UpperStrEnum

Team identifiers accepted and returned by the MCC API.

class mcc_api.event.enums.UpperStrEnum(new_class_name, /, names, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Custom Enum class that acts like enum.StrEnum, using uppercase strings.


exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.InvalidEventError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: MCCAPIError

Exception raised when the requested event does not exist.

exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.InvalidGameError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: MCCAPIError

Exception raised when the requested game does not exist.

exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.InvalidParticipantError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: MCCAPIError

Exception raised when the requested participant does not exist.

exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.InvalidTeamError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: MCCAPIError

Exception raised when the requested team does not exist.

exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.MCCAPIError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: BaseException

The base exception from which all other mcc_api exceptions inherit.

code: int

Response code of the request from the API.

reason: str | None

Reason for the response code, if applicable.

exception mcc_api.event.exceptions.RateLimitError(code: int, reason: str | None)

Bases: MCCAPIError

Exception raised when the MCC API returns a rate limit error.